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The Casulties of Tik Tok Bullies

One of our close friends passed away on Wednesday, 29th January 2025 Kelz Was an amazing woman, she only ever tried to help people, regardless of her own welfare, she never publicly slated someone she always tried to keep the peace, she was our Kelz. She was also known as a colour (United Colours of Tiktok), a group created to try and stop the bullying and make tik tok a safer place for people, somewhere they could go to chat with someone, she helped so many people in her short life, the comments on the live that was done on Saturday 1st Feb 2025 to talk and pay respects to this woman was awesome (well mostly) 


So let me explain Kelz suffered mental health problems like a lot of people do and she was the first to admit this herself, but over the space of around 3 months she was bullied for being Miss Teal, people slandering her bullying her because they wanted to basically because they think it is acceptable to bully someone (well it is fucking not) 

She got to a stage where this bullying started to make her mental health suffer in more ways, and this, in turn, made her bodily health suffer to the extent that she died from sepsis. Now let me say where these people are directly to blame for her death NO, But where they are indirectly to blame for her death...Absofuckinglutly because those months of bullying and going at her in chats and lives made that woman suffer!!


Will I name them oh you are so right I will one by one as I create the videos showing them bullying Kelz. As the saying goes the gloves are off it is time to ring that bell so that no one else will have to suffer at the hands of these people!

We have set up a gofundme page to help her son cover Kelz Funeral Costs click on the link box below if you would like to donate.

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Paying our respects the tiktok way, it gets interesting around the 1hr & 19 minute mark of the video, now i wont say any names ill wait for that apology but if thats his way of paying his respects well god help the human race 

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