Dignity for All
we are so happy to be able to announce that the legal case against this troll has finally been reopened, keep an eye on the page as we give you updates as we receive them as this is one story we are more than happy to see come to fruition and finally expose everything that this person has done all the way back to 2018. This person on TikTok has even now changed their name to try and hide their identity and it now seems to be rainbowqueen1986 and also becksyb70 She tends to change her name to try and hide her identity regularly.
As you will see Dignity for all is not the people they would try and have everyone believe, they have been around as far back as 2018 Bullying & trolling families, where someone is dying or has died, this has included children in many cases Children like Madaline McCann, Alfie Evans, Archie Battersbee the list seems to be endless,
From the video posted below you can see some of the terrible things they have done, and the comments made by their team, who at one time or another have all been admins on the Dignity for all Facebook page.
Recently it has been noted that they have moved over to the app Tik tok to keep their trolling going and doing so in other ways, they have recently posted a video trying to show them as being an innocent party and that they were doing it for the Dignity of the children.
Well, my question is what gives them any right to do it for the Dignity of these children, they are not related to them, and they have no connection with the children or any of the deceased adults that they have poked fun at over the years so where is there dignity in all of this?
Now below the video, you will see a letter which was sent to Dignity for our NHS Group (Which has no legal affiliation to the NHS as we asked for comment from the NHS to confirm this) which of course was one of the older names Of Dignity for all before they changed their name again, we guess this is the reason why they changed their name again due to the fact that legal action was going to be taken against them for there malicious acts.
It Doesn't matter how you try and paint yourself, especially when there is evidence all over the internet to prove otherwise the fact that they received a cease and desist letter from Steadfast does say it all.

Dignity for all Video 1
As you can see from video number 1 Dignity for all better know as Beckie Woods has been trolling for many years, no discription is really needed, watch the video and judge for yourself.
Please note these videos are avareness to highlight bullying and trolling.
Video Number 2
Well Little Dignity for All, went live Monday 21st October 2024, trying to convince people she is innocent, but the internet is a vast place and there is so much information that you can retrieve on someone, I wonder how long her nose got last night with all the lies and deceit look at the facts for yourself
Video Number 3
Dignity for all, has always said she is not Tru truchbull, a fake FB Account that was created to troll without being seen, but when one of your mods decides to out you once and for all because they have had enough, then the truth really is out there, also note the dates on the email, this is from August 2024, the amount of evidence we have is crazy. so every time dignity lies, we will counteract it with a video proving otherwise.
I've held back one name from this list for a specific reason, which I will explain later. Also already a few people have asked why I have not put out their full names, This will happen as well at a later stage, Keep in mind that the truth always surfaces.