Email's Regarding Hayley Comet
Check out some of the I received back in July about Miss Comet and her approach to things. Please note i have not altered or fixed any grammer or spelling mistakes, i have copied these straight from my email.
I installed tik tok within the first week of jay slater going missing.
I was new to the app.
I quickly stumbled upon Hayley comet aka comet crime as I would filter Jay slater/results 24 hrs.
Initially found her interesting, she spoke with such certainty and was vocal of her criminology degree.
However the more I watched the more uncomfortable and contradictory things became.
I found her incredibly narcissistic…which is absolutely my perception and not a fact.
I witnessed her publicly shame people who dared question her opinions. There was definitely a pack mentality with her moderators joining in. She had very vocal contempt for anyone who was watching but not subscribing and sending ‘gifts’, often saying non subscribers were all there with malicious intent. It was very very odd she truly believed anyone not subscribed but watching were not there because they were genuinely interested. If you weren’t subscribed her vocal assumptions was you were a jealous troll or words to similar meaning.
I got the sense people were so scared to be publicly mocked by her , they’d agree and blindly back her.
The theories and opinions she pushed on thousands were so derogatory and outlandish at times, towards victims of tragedy and trauma , with absolutely no empathy, remorse or accountability when proved wrong.
If there was ever any hint of a backlash towards her content…there’d be an emotional video referencing her domestic violence and mental health.
I question :
The times she visibly shooed her children away so she could film.
She stated she was in a refuge but filmed postal deliveries, the property interior and front door, discussed the bin days and school term time , college curriculum… things that any local would know how to identify property location and her kids places of education.
She stated what town she lived in.
She gave her full name.
She stated she was off her medication.
She mocked and smeared any creator that was gaining a good reputation.
She spoke of Nicola bulleys dad filling cow carcasses with drugs to smuggle as a reason to why Nicola was murdered….and she stated she won’t change her mind. Encouraging others to go do the research…
She was absolutely vile about jay slaters mum and family friends.
She would mention a crush on an artist called g crew saying ‘there’s nothing wrong with relationships with people who’ve been to prison…all my exes have been to prison…shows they’ve learnt from mistakes’ utterly ignorant of all the young people listening to her and how ridiculous this statement was coming from someone who builds her following on the fact she suffered domestic violence.
When I saw her target a tik tokker called del Mac…who’s only crime was to appear ‘normal’, non sensationalising, rational and have a direct link to Tenerife and thus more accurate information than her….her cyber bullying went far beyond anything I’d ever seen. She literally encouraged thousands to mock and troll this man. No regard of safeguarding for his child or him.
Another tik tokker ‘down the rapids’ content changed, he started to appear to be struggling mentally, even avoiding tik tok platforms briefly after Hayley again encited trolls in huge numbers to drag his reputation through the mud.
Another one was tik tokker nick rose…people would often compliment him and irritated she’d snap ‘I don’t even know who he is’ … which obviously was untrue as she monitored every creator it seemed.
She routinely verbally attacked two other tik tok creators but I cannot recall the usernames and was not familiar with their content.
I deleted tik tok prior to Jay slater being found.
Hayley comet and her lack of accountability, lack of acknowledgment of the responsibility such a large presence should instil…the toxic environment she created. Dangerous and reckless.
I truly felt she could quite possibly drive a person to suicide. And I didn’t want any part of that. I cannot stress that enough…I truly believe she could push a person to suicide and would feel no remorse or accountability.
I’ll never use tik tok again.
Once the app was gone and I wasn’t watching Hayley’s content…all that buy in to her conspiracy theories went away. I could see the facts of the case rationally.
Her narrative and content 100% steer you towards needing to find answers to all the questions she creates….answers nobody will get as nothing she says is based on reality or fact. It was like mass public hysteria so I feel this is akin to causing a civil unrest.
Obviously I have no evidence as I deleted the app and account. My username was zukip59.
If this statements supports evidence presented by others I’m more than happy for it to be used.
The statements made are based on what I witnessed on tik tok during 19/062024 - 14/07/2024.
Warm Regards
Email 2 ( i have hidden the identity of this emailer
I had a really bad time with Hayley comet last year.
I also did true crime under user (removed) and Hayley targeted me really badly
Hayley knew I had suffered extreme domestic violence and it had been in the papers and that I’d moved away from said partner for safety, Hayley asked one of her followers to contact my ex after finding him on Facebook and told this follower to message him loads of things about me, Hayley also knew my address and I panicked.
I was distraught not knowing if me and my children were safe anymore, she made me ill with stress, she made the wildest accusations of me none of which were true, she would get my friends family members live with her to expose my friends, causing breakdowns to my friends it was horrific. Nothing she accused me of had any proof at all but she did it because her followers trust her and she knew they would give me hell which they did. She mocked my mental health, I was undergoing surgery and she was harassing me literally as I was being put to sleep, she was horrific, all of this was because I disagreed with a claim she made about a girl and Hayley was saying she is definatley maddie mccan and I was saying it was a troll as the photos were ai, turned out I was right so then Hayley targeted me after that. It was hell, I really don’t want it all to start again so it worries me but I’m glad people are starting to see what she put me and my friends through
(Name Removed)
Email 3
To whom this may concern,
Hayley Comet is currently moving from a “safe house” into permanent accommodation & this is the true reason behind her deactivating her social media accounts. She will no doubt use the hate she’s been receiving online as the excuse for her doing this to further manipulate her followers etc into feeling sorry for her. She also claims to have ADHD but hasn’t been professionally diagnosed & if anything has self diagnosed herself. She also claims to have a Criminology degree but has never shown any proof & when asked she states that she can’t as she fled from DV, coincidentally leaving behind her prized degree qualification papers. She says this as she knows if she mentions her DV situation people will feel bad & stop quizzing her & asking for proof. Her spiel regarding her escaping DV is a massive manipulation tactic to gain sympathy, attention & followers. She has also stated that her DV was so bad that it was a story featured in local newspapers but nobody would be able to verify it as she was kept anonymous in the report for data protection safety reasons. I do believe she was a genuine victim of DV but I feel she now overuses this narrative to her own advantage to manipulate other victims, her followers etc. Over the last few weeks she has caused more harm than good with her wild accusations, theories & opinions & bullied many innocent people within her comment section who were just asking valid questions. Please do not be fooled into thinking she has disappeared due to the hate she’s receiving because that is not the case, although I’ll bet that’s the reason she will provide, to gain yet more sympathy, attention & money from her followers etc. I wonder if she has told DWP that she has raked in around £10k this past few weeks. I highly doubt it. Even though she made this massive amount she was still fully planning to put a wish list into her bio on TikTok to further exploit her followers for stuff for her new house & that I find highly disgusting considering the money she has already made from these poor people.
Please keep this anonymous.
Thank you
From (Name removed) please note some of these emails where sent june july2024
Email 4
I'm a victim of Hayley's lies.
A month or two ago Hayley told my other stalkers that she would use her large platform to do a series of lives about me. Which she did over 3 odd weeks she still has the posts up. She also had her own hate page against me on FB.
I have been horrifically stalked and harassed for a year and a half by Robyn Leigh rimmer in Manchester and Hayley has been apart of that group gang.
Cybercrime have been removing pages 15 now across tiktik and FB.
My police in Australia will do nothing.
I can't afford a lawyer
Hayley caused me to want to take my life. I had to have my police do a welfare check on me on 4 June my bday after her campaign. I was receiving threats from people who believed her. It was malicious intent to support my bullies.
She showed a reposted video of the Cardiff 5 whom I found, on my main account as her evidence that I'm lying that I did that work. But the original was on my backup duh. Saying because of that I didn't find them. She brought on guests to nit pick at free help I gave them and talked about things scammers using my identity did saying it was me. She basically presented all the stalkers lies for them as if it's true.
My mental health is still in turmoil. I get panic attacks daily and can't leave the house.
More to come
"This is only a small selection of the emails I've received. I will categorize the rest and share more videos over time."